Monday, January 25, 2010

Kissing, a Cinematic Affair

“When [he] kisses you he isn't doing anything else. You're his whole universe..and the moment is eternal because he doesn't have any plans and isn't going anywhere. Just kissing's overwhelming.”

A kiss may be transitory but it leaves an everlasting imprint that fades only with our humanity and time (or one too many shots of tequila). Kisses become words when there are none that can be found in a book to express anything, everything and nothing at all. When we desire to live intensely and to know love in all it's shapes and colors but find it impossible to come by we turn to film, the art of imagination where fiction meets reality. Every frame, if captured correctly, allows the spectator to become part of something bigger than the frontières of the human body. The essence of our emotions rides freely between character and being. The one's that let us share a moment and relive it time and again are memorable. That said, the best movie kisses of our time according to moi are enumerated as follows:

1. The Notebook
2. Spiderman (upside-down)
3. Pearl Habour (Danny and Evelyn)
4. Cinema Paradiso
5. From Here to Eternity
6. Cocktail
7. Gone with the Wind
8. Duel in the sun
9. PS I love you
1o. Now, Voyager
11. Kiss (Andy Warhol, 1963)
12. Fast Times at Ridgemont High
13. Titanic
14. Frida
15. Moulin Rouge

A girl can dream...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Smothering Disheartens

Some people think that love comes in the form of frequent phone calls, text messages and joined-at-the-hip partnership. This isn't love, it's smothering.

Relationships. One may consider them the most vacillating and precarious barque you will ever embark on. Do not be fooled by the promise of safe-keep when the vessel floats with ease in the favorable winds of the affairs of the heart for a swift change in conditions may be it's defeat and so she will sink like so many others before her. However, the most reliable references will define a relationship in these general terms: "The state of being related by kindred, affinity, or other alliance." Let's touch on the romantic relationship and a few things you need to know about it incase you don't. Firstly, you are not a couple after a random hook-up unless you talk about it. Second of all, you can use nicknames for each other within a couple but after a random hook-up I do not become your dear. Third of all, making sure each person in the couple is getting enough attention from one another is important so little gestures that show how much you care are endearing except when you flood my facebook, voice mail and sms inbox after a random hook-up (it's not like you are pregnant because the laws of nature don't function that way so I really don't get what you're trying to tell me). Fourth of all, in a couple you are generally nice to each other and in friendship you are generally nice to one another. They are two different realities and not one in the same. There is a difference.
A night out in my city, allowed me to meet this guy who was nice but I had no particular interest in him. He was from Israel and was a really interesting guy. I just wasn't attracted. At the time, I was on medicine I was not supposed to be drinking with but I disregarded all medical instructions and went for the booze. When with him, I also went for a pink mandarini which somehow discombobulated my thought process. When he offered for us to go back to his place, I said no at first but somehow that no became a yes. Walking over, I started asking myself what the hell I've gotten myself into. Making a run for it would be a little bizarre but the only thing I could come up with. Needless to say, a lady never runs (except at the gym). Arrived, he showed me some music he had worked on while I sat on the other side of the room on the couch. After, playing a bit guitar he came over to my side. At this point he leans in and kisses me. This is what's going on in my head:
Oh my dear lord what on earth do I do? I don't want to reject him because that sucks for guys...wait I really don't care at this point. Dumbass brother! You were supposed to call me now! Worst wing man ever! Get your hands off of there fool before I pull some Kung fu on you.
I pushed him back lightly, asked for the time and said I had to be on my way. I hoped in a cab and went home. I had no intention of seeing that guy again. He somehow managed to smother me from afar. I didn't even answer all his messages but still he persisted. Finally, I womaned up and told him to f off politely. I said we could be friends and nothing more (I guess in his twisted mind he must have thought friends with benefits was also what I meant although there wasn't a chance in hell that would ever happen). I told him off again (a little less politely). He answered back a little hurt but offering me supper anytime. Some guys just never give up. You just need to know when to stick your ground, when to run for the hills and when to give in (if ever).

Money Can't Buy me Love

There's a thing left to say before we go
We will sing that we're all in love with you.
I'm from Barcelona, Barcelona Loves You

Barcelona offers both a refined cultural experience and some of the most spectacular nightlife in the world. After a day of exploration, we got dressed up to go out. We were about ten ravishing babes discovering life under the stars in Barcelona. We searched for one of the bigger and more renown clubs of the city. On our way there we got some flyers allowing us free entrance before a certain time, We arrived with only minutes to spare before we'd have to have payed to get in. The place had a magnificent set-up. The music was pumping and vibrating through our bodies. There were so many people but we pushed through the mass to find a place on the dance floor. After a while, many girls were tired from the day so decided to call it a night. And then there were three. One of them lost her spark so we went out onto the terrace. It was like bird watching except it wasn't birds it was guys. We spotted a group of pretty handsome young beauties and got up to make us some friends. We were too slow. About ten girls showed up and did exactly what we planned on doing. A little annoyed, we went back inside. We could definitely have used a drink but they were ridiculously expensive. It seemed our prayers were answered for just before we hit rock bottom some older guys offered to buy us drinks. We decided to pull the take and run but after noticing where they were leading, us none of us wanted to turn around. The bouncer to the VIP section stepped aside to let us through. We spoke with them a bit, danced a bit with them and drank a lot with them. We spent most of the night enjoying a taste of luxury. We eventually wanted to go back and enjoy the masses. We thanked them and ventured back onto the dance floor. I believe we entered heaven. There were barely any girls and guys were literally forming circles around us. We got to pick and choose. We went from hot guy to hot guy across the room. A little more than half way through, a tall blonde Hollander made me sway in his direction. We danced briefly and he planted one on my mouth which took me a little off guard. We made out a little and then I was back on my way across the room. By the time us girls reached each other on the exit side, it was closing time at the club. We decided to head back towards the hotel. Unfortunately, there was a problem with the subway system but not to worry! Some french hotties were there to save the day. We decided to taxi together back to their place where we would have drinks (by drinks I mean water because 7:30 am is a little early to start drinking in my books) and be back on our way. When we got to their place, the guys got comfortable and took off their shirts. We three girls couldn't help but smile. Typical guys, showing-off. Hey, I sure didn't mind! By the time we got back to the hotel we decided to have breakfast before going to bed. What better way to say farewell to Spain than to say Barcelona I love?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Italians Do it Better?

The beach is a hot spot when it comes to meeting guys. I guess that's why we made it our go to place in Alicante. I immediately remarked two new presences within our group one evening. One of them turned out to be housing with my friend and he was in company of his friend. Now while I appreciate all things italian there is nothing I can appreciate more than italian men. I mean who can resist a handsome sensual charming flirt. Italian men practically have a bow on their head and a gift tag around their neck on which one can read To: Women From: God. Everything about italian men is sexy and if you're looking to be really appreciated by a man you may want to consider a one way ticket to Italia so as to bask in adoration and good food (well not too much of it, no need fatten up those thunder thighs). That night was like Christmas morning, I could not wait no begin unwrapping. I was quite enjoying my prospect but with my luck my seduction skills weren't rubbing off on the right guy. To insure your understanding of this other guy's character I will elaborate. You may recall Shorty Meeks from Scary Movie 2, you know the real pothead who gets smoked by his own pot plant? Well this guy (being from northern italy so having a bit of a german drive) had the same attachment to beer as Shorty did weed and consequently their manner of speaking was scary alike. You can only imagine what being hit on by a guy like this can be like. Some guys like to take their time, others like to be smooth some even like to throw in a cheesy line but this guy was not stealth at all and had no tact. He'd be putting his hand around my waist at every occasion and then letting his hands travel were they should not be traveling. I obviously did not leap up and exclaim: "Bon voyage!" Quite the opposite as I would brush him off as politely as I could before he could cross any borders. He seemed to like that I wasn't giving in so you can imagine how this was affecting my game as his friend stood all the while in front of me. He tried relentlessly to snatch a kiss from me and it was beginning to tire me. How does one attract and repel at the same time? That was a question I thought best to leave for Habermas (a modern philosopher) to ponder. I would just have to hope another occasion would arise for me to get me some yummy italian lovin'.
They say “Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience.” And that is exactly what I did. We crossed paths time and again but never for very long. Finally one night, we ran into him at one of my favorite clubs and he decided to stay with us after his friends left. We danced together, laughed together and enjoyed the summer's fun loving atmosphere together. As our hips moved together, I shot him a smile and he leaned in for the kiss. Finally, the long awaited moment had arrived! Satisfactory yet not the most delicious kiss yet. After the final song of the evening, we walked part way home together. We had a goodnight kiss and went our separate ways. It was the last time I saw him before I left Alicante. He was well worth the wait. Afterall, isn't there an italian proverb that says "Hard work never did anyone any harm"?

I look forward to the next time I cross an italian and think to myself: "Baciami!"

Good things come in 2s

Pursuit and seduction are the essence of sexuality. It's part of the sizzle.
Camille Paglia

My time Alicante was coming to an end so it was time to fully take in the beauty of Spain. By day, we roamed the streets and enjoyed the sun by the sea. By night, we danced to the rhythms of the night and drank everything from Don Simone wine to absinthe (although we didn't need to see the little green fairy to know the evenings were magical). Out on the night before last, I was just enjoying the good company of friends. We danced on the small platform and sang the summer anthems. Later on, I noticed a particularly goodlooking spaniard. Every now and them I'd glance at him and when he caught my eye he couldn't look away. He moved towards me, took my hand and pulled me in. I spoke in broken spanish to him and we made small talk over the music. We were absorbed by the beat. Each touch and movement being guided by the changing rhythms. He paused and held me tight against him before tenderly kissing me. We continued dancing a bit but moved things into the lounge area shortly after. Time passed as we thoroughly enjoyed one another. When I noticed how late it was I got a little distracted trying to locate my roomy. He got up and said he would rejoin his friends while I looked for her. It didn't take long before I found her snogging this guy she had been eyeing for some time. Everyone else had left, which put me in a bit of an awkward position. I decided to go back to the guy on the dance floor. I went up to him and one of his friends and asked if I could join them. His friend smiled and started dancing with me at which point I was like oh okay. This guy was real cute but had that rocker spark that intrigues you. He had a lip piercing and I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like kissing him. Immediately, my conscience reminded me how much of a b*tch I would come off as if I went through with this sudden desire to find out. Lucky for me, I didn't even have to think twice before he kissed me. I thought to myself "Oh my word, you have just won the you are now sloppy seconds award (gold star)". I muffled to him my concern and he smiled and softly pushed aside a strand of hair from my face before kissing me again. Well after that, all prior thoughts flew out the window. His kisses left me asking for more. Who knew kissing a guy with a pierced lip would be that enjoyable? It wasn't until closing time that we left each other. I rejoined my friend and he rejoined his. When we got out the sun was shining brightly. It was the most awks slash guilty slash funny moment of my life when I came through the doors and saw the group of guys from that night lined up against the wall with smirks on their faces and the two guys I had been with standing next to one another giving me complicit looks. On our way home my friend and I were offered breakfast and coffee by some doctor fellows and realizing we had to be somewhere in roughly two hours we figured we could use the coffee. It was like Greys Anatomy except we were too young for them.
The last night, the second guy returned. I was happy to spend it with him. It was the real spanish experience I had hoped for.

Monday, January 11, 2010

A Taste of France

My time in Spain can be summed up by three words: tapas, sietas and fiestas. Spain was the perfect opportunity to let loose and live it up. I mean even my parentals were like " Go get em' Tiger ". The rules: there would be no lowering of standards, no hesitation and no doing what I didn't want to do. I would accept nothing less than the crème de la crème. It was time to surface my inner Gaga and go on a man hunt. This was not that hard to do. For one, I had only to open my eyes and I was sure to spot some eye candy. Second, who can resist a beautiful girl in a beautiful dress? For the pièce de résistance: I was one of 30 other girls ready to hit the town--that kind of attracts attention. It wasn't long before there were guys right and left doing what they do best: thinking with their disco sticks. We met people from all over the place: Spain, England, France... We had friends and prospects in no time. This one tanned cutie caught my eye right away. He was layed back and had a nice sense of humour. I proceeded to work my magic and channel you know you want me vibes (ironically that song was pretty big at the time). One evening, a friend and I broke off from the group and went dancing with the guy and his friend. It wasn't the ideal night to be clubbling (yay for mondays) so there was just this one place open and it was armenian night so the music was well...groovy shall we say. We decided to go anyway and it was so sketchy but it was fun. We hit the dance floor and immediately got close. It was sweaty, sexy and hot. He leaned in and kissed me softly and then more aggressively. We then moved things off the dance floor to the lounge area. It was getting intense pretty fast. Enjoying some types of kisses more than others I kissed him the way I wanted to be kissed and he caught on. Unfortunately this had an incongruous effect as he mimicked my soft bites incorrectly. He went all count Dracula on me. I tried to orient him in the right direction again although that wasn't going so well. I couldn't bring myself to make things stop though. It was really late (or really early depending on your perspective) so it was about time my friend and I got back. He accompagnied me. The journey back took forever! He couldn't keep his hands off me. It was like a scene out of a movie (the rating would definitely be PG). We kissed against the walls of buildings in the small streets of Alicante until finally I was home.
The next morning I had to explain a purple lip, the sex hair and two hickies to my roomy. I was Aphrodite incarnated. Kodak moment.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Kiss and Run

After the worst kiss of my life there were other kisses and then there were none. I had literally gone 3 years without any action. This definitely got the estrogen pumping. Prom was coming up; I had never had a boyfriend and the odds were against me whenever there was a spark of hope someone would ask me to go with them to prom. I wasn't feeling too terrible about this because most of my friends were in the same position (except a majority of them hadn't gone as long as me without a kiss). One of my best guy friends who I've had a bit of a love hate relationship with was my best shot at not having to have to tell my future children I went to prom unaccompanied which would definitely portray a great image of my youth to them. At a friend's party, we hooked up. We were drunk but you know what they say "drunk love is the best love" (and the only love I had gotten in a heck of a long time). All I can say is he knew what he was doing! We kept at it for quite some time until he had to go. It was so nice to be held, touched and kissed in all the right places. Later, I heard floating around that he had a girlfriend somewhere across the country. Although I knew this was probably the case, I figured he probably came to the conclusion that a long-distance relationship was not something that functioned in his favor and that he'd surely left her. I was particularly convinced of this when he asked me to prom. Prom night wasn't exactly as I had hoped. I mean Micheal Jackson passed away that same day. That has to say something about what was to come. The evening started out wonderfully at a full high but one must keep in mind the following for the rest of the evening: "What goes up must come down". I was double ditched by some friends and my date and the evening ended without there being anything clear between me and this guy. I think you know the drill by now for what happened soon after: he ran far far away back into the arms of his girl friend. She left him shortly after he arrived and that's Karma for you.

Canadians Know What it's all Aboot

Ah, to hail from the land of the north where police ride horses and don't need sirens because of those tacky red jackets and large black hats. There, the people prosper with comfort of knowing there's always going to be another Tim Horton's a block away. So it's only natural one of my fellow canadians stole a kiss from me before anyone else. It was nothing special. Actually, it was a move to possibly get a kiss from the guy I had the "hots" for. Most of my friends had boyfriends so I was feeling a little desperate and willing to lower the bar and go for what was available. I mean the dude didn't even brush his teeth. Very kissable, if you know what I mean. My "crush" that began in primary lasted into high school and finally the occasion to snatch some action presented it's self. He had rejected me in the past which was a great confidence booster seeing as I had set my sights low (apparently not low enough) but I persisted in my mission to make him fall for me. For a bunch of twelve year olds, you might imagine a little bit of different setting for where we finally kissed but we youngsters did not settle for party hats and a cake, we had a hot tub party. Obviously a game of truth or dare and spin the bottle were in order. One of my friends dared the guy's best friend to kiss me. We did. Second kiss of my life. The end. Apparently, this move still got me a kiss from the guy I originally wanted to get kissed by but needless to say we only remained friends and it was the most disgusting kiss of my life (I could taste his lunch). Funny fact: the next year he moved to New York. At this point, to get a kiss from me is like a guarantee that you will have the urge to move far far away. Sad, eh? I'm not feeling too good about this, naturally. I could only hope for the best in the near future and remind myself: "Practice makes perfect".

The First Kiss

There is something special about the first time your lips meet someone else's. Some people can wrestle those hormones and wait for the right time to smack one on a special person while others simply can't resist trying it out in a game of spin the bottle, truth or dare or seven minutes in heaven. My first kiss belongs to the "man" who promised me marriage and children at the mature age of five, back when babies were flown to you via stork. It may have been nothing more than a peck but it counted! Turns out I might not have been that great a kisser. Unfortunately, the next year he moved across the country ( a bit of a brutal move, I mean a simple "girls have cooties" would have sufficed). It was a let down after growing-up with the tales of princesses and prince charmings living happily ever after following that one magical kiss. Like any person with a broken hart, I resorted to ice cream, an evening of romantic movies (well only one, Cinderella, because I had to be in bed by 8) and venting with the girls. Frankly, it was a rather platonic relationship so needless to say I was over it pretty fast. Kissing was not that interesting, well at least not until the hormones kicked in.